How Will China Shape Our Future?
We inform and educate through stories, conversations, and analysis on China, technology, and US-China relations.
Our newsletter, videos, and podcasts consist of deep, compelling, and timely content to educate an audience of global leaders on the urgent questions posed by developments in politics and technology related to China.
From AI development to presidential summits, our team delivers news and context to the most important stories around China and technology.
From the White House to Fortune 100 boardrooms, ChinaTalk is read and heard by the most important leaders in politics, finance, and business.
ChinaTalk over the last year has really broken through.
You’ve been doing just a great job at elevating the debate and discussion on China by giving experts from across a wide range of backgrounds a chance to really dig into complicated issues and explain them in a way that senior policymakers, senior folks in the media, senior folks around Washington can actually understand.
In an era when it’s so easy to just resort to talking points on China, you’ve really created a forum for sustained and thoughtful debate about what the American approach to China should be.
Sr. Director for Int. Economics, NSC
Expert Knowledge, Hold the Formalities
We cultivate a friendly, engaging atmosphere where experts share their views on serious topics without the sobering feel of recent China news.
Jordan’s interviews are engaging, informative, and fun. Our loyal audience have come to expect quality without pretense.